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Learn About App Store Optimization
with West Side Pixels

Many would find the expression “App Store Optimization” foreign to their ears. But if that is the case, you need not worry. West Side Pixels will explain it to you and will do it for you that too at the most honest price rates.

What Is ASO (App Store Optimization)?

ASO is the approach that improves the ranking of an application within the app store ecosystem, such as Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and Windows Store. You may also call this practice Mobile App SEO or App Store Marketing.

  • Increased application download activations and rates
  • Engaged audiences
  • Boosted brand exposure via added channels

You can get all these perks if you partner with West Side Pixels. We are a name you can bank upon for receiving a 360-degree approach to application marketing. With years of experience and knowledgeable insights, we have mastered the art of leveraging state-of-the-art technology for maximizing your application’s organic users.

Are You Ready To Shine On The Spots Your Competitors Are Shining? Let Our App Store Search Optimization Experts Help You Outshine Your Business Rivals!

ASO App Store Optimization Game Plan for the
Best App Marketing

Metadata Optimization

The metadata (written content) on your store listing has to play a significant role in ASO. This comprises subtitles, titles, descriptions, and others that make the store learn about your product. Optimizing them all with the right keywords is one of the critical point jobs in the optimization efforts.

Keywords Targeting

Because the relevant keywords matter the most! We find out keywords that have the heaviest search traffic and keep track of those keywords’ performance. With best-of-breed tools, we perform app store optimization keywords research, search rankings, and competitive analysis. App Store Keyword Optimization is the linchpin of the ASO efforts.

Audit and Reputation Management

From optimizing your application architecture, fine-tuning the rating, to analyzing the reviews, our team ensures everything remains in the right place. Our ASO specialists make sure that your application size and update frequency meet the app store’s demands. Off-page review is also a part of our ASO audit services.

Content Analysis and Updation

Getting your application found is only the half battle won; making it worth-appealing is what makes you win on the battlefield. From keeping your app’s value proposition intact to formulating posts, i.e., media releases, blog posts, to regularly updating application descriptions, we do everything that makes your product worth downloading in.

Review and Sentiment Analysis

The ratings and reviews of the App store are instrumental in forming users’ perceptions about an application when they are skimming the App store and comparing different applications for the downloading and purchasing decision. With the help of the Review and Sentiment Analysis tool, we gather data that helps us learn how people are reacting to the applications.

Conversion Optimization

One of the critical aspects of ASO service is Conversion Optimization. Our ASO experts perform conversion optimization that helps keyword ranks higher and reduces user acquisition costs across all channels. With a deep understanding of your category, we determine the conversion trends and devise data-inspired test plans to generate growth-focused results.

Apple Search Ads and Google Ads

We offer ASA and Google Ads as part of our App Store Optimization Services that help enhance the keyword rankings and app installs.


We don’t leave our clients hanging and walk through with them in every stage of the process. With insightful reports, we help you remain abreast with the progress of your app’s visibility on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. In our reporting system, we mention how search optimization, paid marketing, and conversion optimization has impacted your application.

You Can’t Ignore The Obvious
Application Marketing, Simply Put,
You Can’t AVOID ASO!

Internet is flooded with the encyclopedic amount of information for the cruciality of SEO for your websites, but as a consumer, have you stopped using the applications? No? This is where you need to enforce ASO on your products.

Your business application deserves to have a well-thought strategy for climbing the top ranks on app stores. Still on the fence?

 Have a look at these mind-numbing statistics.

 Intimidated? You must be if you have an application listed there!

But with ASO techniques done by the right App Store Optimization agency, you can create a hooking experience for your customers, making them install your app in a flash. Other perks?

    • More Visibility
    • More Discoverability
    • Higher Conversions
    • Higher Traffic
    • Boosted Brand Awareness
    • More Organic Downloads
    • Top Rankings

Want to get them all? Have our App Store Optimization Company on your side to simply JUMP TO 1!

How Do We Get The Most Out Of App Store Optimization?

1. Analysis

Every big thing happens with a keen investigation. With the thorough analysis of your application, we learn where your application in the app store stands right now and where it should be standing ideally. We then start working to bridge that gap by using the relevant keywords.

2. Optimization

Updates are unanticipated, but we remain in the current to inform our optimization services with the latest trends and affairs. Optimization has always been a cornerstone of our ASO solutions.

3. Competition

We never stop keeping tabs on your competitors. Your business rivals are the best ally in refining the strategy. Our marketing team keeps an eye on what your competitors are doing and dig up the gaps to fill in with the marketing opportunities.

4. Improvisation

The ratings and reviews help us fine-tune your products’ ranking and fix the bugs (if any). Constant monitoring is a part of the improvisation process by App Store Optimization agencies.

It’s Time to Get Your Application to
the Top of the App Store Results!

ASO is the same thing to applications as SEO is to websites. Without optimization, your product can’t cross paths with high-converting customers. Result?

You will no longer be SEEN and FOUND by the intended audience. To cut a long story short, without optimizing your product, whether website or application, you are just hurting the chance of getting impressive clicks, downloads, and conversions!

To be on consumers’ minds and application stores’ favorites, your business needs to invest time and energy in a powerful app store optimization strategy. However, this is not everyone’s cup of tea. But for West Side Pixels, it is just a piece of cake!

With comprehensive, high-quality, and custom-made ASO services, our company sets the bar high in ranking your application to the dreamy SPOTS. Want to have one for you?

Call our App Store Optimization ASO consultants right away and cash in on the ample chance to drive real results to your business!


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